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National anthem: 52 seconds of gratitude for food, freedom and future, why not?

“So basically when you are protesting against standing for national anthem at the movies, you are protesting because the country you live in gave you that right"

The phone in your hand, the food in your plate, the mall you frequent, the office you work at, your alma mater and the roof over your head, they are all there at your possession because you are lucky enough to be born in country which provides you with the opportunity to prosper, safety to live and rights you can’t be denied. And one such right is the right to freedom, the right to choose. Yes, you can’t be constitutionally bound to stand for 52 seconds of national anthem. Probably the makers of the constitution didn’t feel the need for it. Patriotism and gratitude were a given in those days. The freedom hadn’t come easy.

So basically when you are protesting against standing for national anthem at the movies, you are protesting because the country you live in gave you that right. And hey, you got that free. You don’t mind paying to private companies for their services but when your country softly demands to pay in the form of respect of 52 seconds, you feel bullied? Well, if you think so you are one ungrateful child. Imagine not paying the EMIs of your car. It would most certainly be towed away. You understand you didn’t pay for it, so you tolerate this aggressive stance of the company. So why do you feel outraged when loyal representatives of the country push you to stand up at the movies? You didn’t get that life because it’s your right. You got it because others are paying for it –soldiers, servicemen, leaders, healthcare workers, teachers and everybody else who are contributing to keep the nation stable and functioning. Just because it’s not a law, you don’t get to publically disrespect the motherland.

So what really dissuades you from expressing your patriotism? Do you feel the country hasn’t done enough for you? Well, if that’s how you feel it’s just because you haven’t experienced what it is like when the state you live in is actually not doing enough. In 2017, about 500 thousand patients from foreign countries visited India for treatment. Every year thousands of Afghani, African, Nepali and Tibetan students come to India for education. Have you heard about illegal Bangladeshi immigrants? Do you know why they are so determined to hop into India? Because India offers better opportunities to earn a living! Do you know there is a ‘Pakistani Mohalla’ in Delhi where hundreds of refugees from across the border have settled? They just refuse to go back. Do you know why? -they fear for their life back in Pakistan. The list can go on, where your own country is doing so much better than many in the world. In the end it’s all up to you, what you feel is more important –the right to choose or the chance to express your love for the country.

satta king