
Happy World Vegan Day Quotes and Wishes in English and Hindi

11 October 2021
happy world vegan day

World Vegan Day is celebrated every year on 1st November. As the name suggests it's a day dedicated to vegetarian food. Vegans from around the world get involved in activities which promote veganism and its benifits. The history of World Vegan Day such that it was first celebrated by the Vegan Society in 1994. And since then it has become a much loved festival for all the vegans around the world who are proud of their eating habits.

The color green is fondly associated with veganism so we adopted the refreshing green theme for these world vegan day quotes and wishes in english. These greetings and images are all that you need to convey your love for vegan food to the world and your community.

India is one place where vegan food finds its true value. It's widely loved and experimented upon throughout the country. Lakhs of vegan dishes have originated from India and it can be said the country is the torchbearer in the quest to promote vegan food. And therefore we have also included some world vegan day quotes and wishes in Hindi to emphasise upon the bond that India and vegan food share.

World Vegan Day Quotes in English

world vegan day 2021 quotes

World vegan day is not just a day to celebrated vegan food but it's also an opportunity to make the world take notice of the great benifits of a vegetarian diet. Without making any attempt to degrade meat and meat lovers, it can be firmly stated that vegan food is most suitable for our health and that of the planet.

And henceforth, here we have compiled for you an array of some of the best world vegan day quotes in English that you may use along with the images in this post to shoutout your love for the cause.

  • On a lighter note, we evolved from monkeys right? Those smart dudes are still vegan.. where did we go wrong?
  • They argue vegan food is not sufficient in protein. How about your favorite non-vegan wrestler taking on the vegan elephant?
  • If we know how to grow, we must not kill
  • The veggies in your pizza and pasta shoutout loud -we save you from the guilt of eating junk.
  • Not making any attempt to gross out the non-vegans but do you guys even imagine what you are eating used to once walk, play.. scratch and shit?
  • Here's a challenge, I can count you a hundred downsides of non veg food but you can count me none for the vegan!
  • The most lame arguement against vegan food is that it doesn't taste good. Like seriously? Have you even heard of shahi paneer and naan? 
  • There are more varities of vegan food than there are animals you can find frozen in the super market. Just visit India once and get blown away.
  • Hey you, listen carefully. Broccoli is not all about Vegan food. It's just like the monster who hides all the good things behind the door. Just go for it.
  • People who turn vegan from being meat lovers all life often say -vegan food is lighter on stomach as well as conscience.

World Vegan Day Slogans

Planning a parade or what this Vegan's Day? Well you would surely need some slogans to paint your tshirts with and put up on posters. The team here sat down and worked upon some world vegan day slogans for you to carry on a placard. Take them for free. We are in this together.

  • Together we can make the world vegan
  • Let's save lives. Go vegan!
  • Let's bring our conscience back and go vegan
  • Stop killing for taste!
  • The meat in your plate once pleaded
  • Veganism is not an option, it's the only way
  • The meat on your table needed the same help you would give to an injured pup
  • All lives are precious, even the one you are planning to eat
  • Turning Vegan is the only conversion we need
  • Protein exists outside meat too and in abundance
  • Vegan food is food for soul
  • Broccoli is not the only vegan food we eat
  • keep your cravings under control and save lives doing nothing -bravo!

World Vegan Day Greetings 2021

Oh yes, we totally know that your meat-blinded friends would call you names and make fun of your eating habits -call you a grass eater and what not. But do you know what? It's totally worth it! If getting taunted helps save some lives, why would you even think of not going for it?

Here, just for your mission to make your friends admire the goodness of vegan food, we have designed a world vegan day greeting for you that you can surely and unflichingly forward to your loved ones.

world vegan day greetings 2021

World Vegan Day Poster

Do you need something to put on a banner for the world to see? We are in this with you. Here's a meaningful and vibrant poster in support of veganism that you can take to the vegan rally or just paste on your wall for the passerbys to take notice.

So, just download this world vegan day poster and go for it without a second thought. Get those huge flex printers working and plaster the city cause it's vegan's day!

world vegan day poster

Happy World Vegan Day Quotes in Hindi

world vegan day hindi
  • हम जानवरों से सिर्फ इसलिए बेहतर हैं क्यूंकी ईश्वर ने हमे यह शक्ति दी है कि  हम अपना भोजन स्वयं उगा सके और खा सकें। हमे जानवरों की भांति मांस का सेवन करने का कोई अधिकार नहीं है। हैप्पी वर्ल्ड वेगन डे
  • अगर किसी को यह लगता है कि शाकाहारी भोजन इतना लज़ीज़ नहीं तो उसने यकीनन शाही पनीर और नान का लुत्फ कभी नहीं उठाया है।
  • शाकाहारी भोजन ना सिर्फ एक स्वस्थ शरीर का रास्ता है बल्कि एक स्वस्थ मन का भी है। इसे अपनाने में संकोच ना करें।
  • अगर आपको लगता है वेगन फूड में वराइइटी नहीं है तो आप यकीनन भारत से अपरिचित हैं। इस देश की विवधता इसके खान पान में भी साफ झलकती है।
  • आप माने या ना माने पर अगर आप मांसाहारी हैं तो कभी ना कभी आपको गिल्ट जरूर होता है कि आपके पेट के कारण किसी और जीव का पेट सच में काट दिया गया। वेगन फूड अपनाएँ और इस पछतावे से बचें। हैप्पी वर्ल्ड वेगन फूड डे।

Happy World Vegan Day Wishes 2021

When it's world vegan day and you are a vegetarian who simply worships their food then you just can not miss sending out some world vegan day wishes to your friends and family - to those who love the greens and also to the hardcore meat eaters, who knows they might switch!

Wonder what to say? Well, there are a million ways to say what's right because when the cause is good, every word means good but still.. just to save you some time we have comiled for you some sweet and scary wishes for world vegan day 2021.

  • I know you won't relent and give up meat but hey it's world vegan day so maybe it's a good time to turn vegan! Happy World Vegan Day 2021
  • It's high time you junk that "vegan food is low in protein" myth and embrace some soya, some milk and some broccoli.
  • A shout out to all the vegans out there.. You guys are simply awesome in what you eat.. keep doing the great work. Happy Vegan Day 2021
  • There's no world without veggies, even your chicken needs some to turn 'healthy', imagine what a whole lifestyle of consuming veg food only would do to you!
  • World's biggest joke is right to life. You don't deserve to live if you are edible.. of course talking about animals, but don't they also have a right to live? Think!
  • A vegan world would be a less sinful world.. admit it! Happy world vegan day 2021
  • Wishing you lots of good sense to switch to vegan food on this world vegan day. There's still time, be a good human.
  • The most important thing that defines the word humanity is kindness and it has nothing to do with killing animals for food. We are surely better.

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