
World Mental Health Day Quotes, Greetings, Slogans, Posters and Theme

29 Sep 2021 
world mental health day 2021

World Mental Health Day is celebrated every year on 10th October. It's a special day recognized by the World Health Organization to encourage discussions on mental health, support people in such need and appreciate the role of all mental health workers.

This day comes as an opportunity to sit together and hold constructive debates to improve global efforts on mental health. Here we have put together all details including importance and theme of world mental health day. We have also compiled some beautiful world mental health day quotes, greetings and slogans.

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World Mental Health Day 2021 Theme

WHO has decided that the theme for World Mental Health Day 2021 will be Mental health care for all: let’s make it a reality. Which is also the slogan for this year. In 2020 the theme was Move for Mental Health - Let's Invest.

The theme in 2021 calls for taking the idea of a sound mental health to the last person on the planet. The year 2020 brought the pandemic along with it. A huge number of people had to go through immense physical and mental trauma. Scores of people lost their loved ones.

And despite all this several countries across the world put out a fight against all odds. WHO says this year's world mental health day would be a celebration of these efforts.

World Mental Health Day Importance & History

World mental health day was first observed in the year 1992. Richard Hunter of the World Federation for Mental Health first adopted the day on 10th October in order to spread mental health awareness. Soon WHO stamped its approval on the day because of the importance it carried.

Mental Health is one attribute of a human being that's often neglected even today in most countries. Visiting psychiatrist is still a taboo in most societies. People often associate mental health with mental illness. But the truth is most of us need some kind of mental support in our life.

Life is full of ups and downs and breaking down in one such phase is totally okay. Life is full of losses but one needs to learn that's not all about it and there are good things too. But how do you help someone to a sound mental health when they don't even understand the concept or accept that there is problem in the first place.

Suicides amidst students. lovers and alienated family members is not a matter of surprise. And the root of the problem is nothing but mental problems like stress, society pressure or aloofness. In order to control this menace we need to bring more awareness and empathy around the subject of mental health and World Mental Health Day acts as a good reminder of the same.

World Mental Health Day Quotes

world mental health day quotes

World mental health day 2021 is one opportunity to convey your friends, relatives and family members that you are there for them as and when they need. Nobody knows when they might just require some kind of emotional support and therefore being open about mental health is so important.

Here we have compiled for you some freshly written world mental health day quotes that you may forward to your loved ones to spread the message.

  • Life has been difficult after pandemic for most. It's totally okay to feel a bit low and lost but what's not okay is not seeking help for the same.
  • Friends are treasures and if you have some real ones you must not stop yourself from sharing your heart out. They are the first responders to any mental crisis you may face. Give them that right.
  • Life is hard but you got to make sure it doesn't break you!
  • A healthy mind is key to a happy life. It gives you strength to cope with bad times and believe good times are just around the corner.
  • Remember how exams used to stress us when we were just kids? We feel so cool about them now, isn't it? Are hardships in life any different? Take them on if one day you would turn back and be very proud of what you did.
  • Expecting people in your life to behave the way you want them to is one big cause of displeasure and disharmony in families. The only thing we need to keep in our control is our mind to stay happy and not people. Don't let it wander away into jungles of negativity.
  • Being a student is tough. Every day is a struggle to build a better future. Society needs to understand that students are people too. They can have a fickle mind too. It's not always one can run behind a goal with the same intensity. We need to let students have that breathing space. And perhaps then we can weave off the curse of student suicides.
  • Just talk, talk to your loved ones, colleagues, family members or somebody random on the internet. But please talk. Don't let that seed of stress grow and kill you from within.
  • How ignored is mental heatlh? And yet the truth is people are so much more vulnerable to mental issues in these times. Life has never been such a competition before. We need to develop a society which cares for an individual and doesn't treat them like players of a match who need to perform any how.
  • Spending in a budget is still looked down upon as if we all have treasure trunks in our bedrooms. The truth is financial troubles are ruining more families than feuds. Paying bills and EMIs of things you never needed so much in the first place often become a source of mental stress. 

World Mental Health Day Slogans

Slogans are a simple and yet effective way to convey important messages. Mental Health is one such message that needs to be taken to the last person on earth. And it definitely needs a slogan. So here are some freshly written world mental health day slogans.

  • Together we can bring mental health for all
  • Mental support for all because everybody needs it
  • Let's keep or mind peaceful in turmoil
  • Old or young, mental health is important.
  • Let's pledge to be there for somebody in need.
  • Let's fight that mental stress like a team
  • Let's be kids again and worry less
  • We all are important and so is our mental peace
  • mental health before anything else.
  • Fight it and don't let it take your peace
  • Life is hard but can be happier with mental health
  • Strive for your goals but with a healthy mind
  • Let's motivate for a better mental health

World Mental Health Day Greetings

You are totally okay to send out new year greetings and it doesn't even serve any purpose besides letting people know another year has gone by, So why not send out greetings that are more meaningful? It's world mental health day and just the right opportunity for you to let people in your life know that you care.

Here is an amazing world mental health day greeting to forward to your best buddies, colleagues and family over whatsapp, facebook or instagram.

world mental health day greetings

World Mental Health Day Poster

Are you taking mental health very seriously? Do you want to take the struggle for world mental health to the streets and need posters? Or are you just a kid who wants to shout out a message at school or college? Well, we have got you covered.

Here's something you can use in your awareness campaign -a world mental health day poster.

World Mental Health Day Messages and Quotes in Hindi

  • शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य की बात हर कोई करता है और करनी भी चाहिए। लेकिन जितना जरूरी शरीर है उससे भी जादा आवश्यक दिमाग है। हमे अपने मानसिक स्वास्थ्य का भी बखूबी ध्यान रखना चाहिए।
  • ज़िंदगी में दोस्त बेहद अहम हैं। हमे यह सुनिश्चित करना चाहिए कि अपने मन में उत्पन्न होने वाले हर संशय का समाधान हम दोस्तों के साथ मिलकर खोजें एवं किसी भी प्रकार के तनाव से खुद को मुक्त रखें।
  • एक स्वस्थ मन ही खुशहाल जीवन का रास्ता है अन्यथा हम सब कुछ होते हुए भी असहाय महसूस कर सकते हैं।
  • मेंटल हेल्थ को बनाए रखने के लिए ये जरूरी है कि हम कभी भी उम्मीद का दामन ना छोड़ें। निराशा अक्सर हमे सोच के सागर में डुबो देती है और तनाव का कारण बनती है।
  • आयें सब और इस वर्ल्ड मेंटल हेल्थ डे पर ये प्रण लें कि हम हमेशा दूसरों के लिए उपलब्ध रहेंगे जब भी वे किसी तनाव पूर्ण स्थिति से गुजर रहे होंगे। हम सब एक साथ मिलकर ही इस अभिशाप से मुक्ति पा सकते हैं जो कि पूरे विश्व में अपने पैर पसारे जा रहा है।

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