
Happy No Shave November Quotes, Wishes and Memes in English & Hindi

13 October 2021
no shave november 2021

No Shave November is here and those evil razors must be put down cause it's time to introduce your body hair to some air and freedom and growth.. let the hair swaying!

Jokes apart, have you ever wondered why No Shave November and Movember ask you to grow your hair through November? Is it just one other silly game or there's a cause behind it? Well, what if we say there's more seriousness to the ritual than you could possibly imagine.

Also, we have compiled for you some really amazing No Shave November quotes, wishes and memes in English and Hindi for you to share.

But before that here's your little dose of history and GK.

Why No Shave November is celebrated?

No Shave November is celebrated every year to spread cancer awareness and raise money for those suffering and in need. At first it was more associated with mens health and to prevent diseases like prostate and testicular cancer but over the years women around the world have embraced it too. Several women ditch the razor and wax to help the cause of preventing cancer.

The official website for No Shave November also suggests to save the money you would otherwise spend on grooming and donate to cancer prevention and treatment.  They go on to elaborate how cancer patients lose hair during chemotherapy and embracing beard, moustache and body hair sends out a good message. They are quite valuable!

The history behind No Shave November is quite a tragic one. In 2007, a UK based family lost a dear person to cancer and after getting moved from all that transpired, they officially founded the No Shave November movement in 2009 and raised over millions of dollars in a short period of time.

Over time the tradition spread like viral fever and gripped continents after continents, it's super popular across metros in India too. While some understand the cause, some just find it quite cool. A little beard is in any case very appealing and grants you a fresh look.

Happy No Shave November Wishes 2021

happy no shave november wishes

It's about November and people around you have already started flaunting their body hair, haven't they? So did you took up the ritual too or missed it and now feel left out?

In any case, nothing is stopping you from embracing this awesome month by wishing your loved ones Happy No Shave November 2021. And we have tried to assemble all the help we could in the form of these wishes in English.

  • It's time to ditch that baby face and embrace the men's gang brother! Happy No Shave November 2021.
  • I swear if you touch that beard with a razor, you would no longer be my friend.. rather my baby! No Shave November it is!
  • I know you are good for nothing but growing a beard doesn't take much effort dude.. it just happens! So you better not ditch me this No Shave November. Happy No Shavy baby.
  • Wishing every cancer warrior -patients and the doctors and very happy no shave november. Take my overgrown hair as a mark of support for all the fight you are putting up against this evil.
  • Wishing you your first beard hair this November, come on man you can do it! Let the November gods shine upon you my brother. Happy No Shave November 2021.

No Shave November Quotes in English

no shave november quotes english

You might think it's funny that there are quotes associated with something as simple as not touching the trimmer in November and growing a beard to flaunt of social media but the fact is as states earlier there's more to no shave november than just beards and moustaches.

We have attempted covering most emotions associated with the event and put them in forwardable quotes. Enjoy these no shave november quotes in English.

  • If you could save even a 100 bucks by not shaving through November, you must go for it and donate the money to charity.
  • This year when November hits and you start growing that beard, make sure you also keep reminding yourself that there are so many out there who can't even afford a shave. It's your turn to help them as and when possible.
  • Cancer is curse and Creativity is a boon. And the result of it is No Shave November -a solid way to spread awarenss and raise funds for cancer patients.
  • Ditching a beard is some strong sin. Remember how it gave you that manly look when all the women felt you were just a kid? Happy No Shave November.
  • Imagine losing all your hair for no fault of yours, some sacrifice isn't it? That's what cancer patient have to go through and that is only if they can afford a treatment. Join No Shave November and spread awareness, raise funds and extend a helping hand.We can surely do that much?

No Shave November Memes

Although the cause is serious but the mad rush behind No Shave November some times makes it a funny affair. And you know what, it's just alright to pull your friend's leg a little in this lovely month.

And just to make this a little funnier, we have designed for you some No Shave November Memes that can add that spice to this festival. Feel free to share these memes on instagram, whatsapp or facebook wherever you like.

no shave november funny memes

No Shave November Quotes in Hindi

No Shave November is totally a universal festival and who grows beards better than Indians? We are quite ahead in the race and the trend of not shaving for a month is spreading fast across the sub continent. And when it's India, you got to use Hindi to reach the masses.

And with the same aim we have written some No Shave November quotes in Hindi which are free to share on social media platforms.

  • आपकी दाढ़ी इस पूरे नवंबर आपकी शोभा बढ़ाती रहे। नो शेव नवंबर में शामिल हों फिर चाहे आपके चेहरे पर एक ही बाल क्यूँ ना हो।
  • विश्व भर के कैंसर पीड़ितों से सहानुभूति व्यक्त करने के लिए इस नवंबर अपने ब्लेड को अलविदा जरूर कहें।
  • दाढ़ी बढ़ाने के साथ साथ ये भी ध्यान रखें कि आप लोगों को कैंसर पीड़ितों की मदत के लिए प्रोत्साहित भी करें। हमारा बढ़ाया एक कदम कई लोगों का जीवन बदल सकता है।
  • नो शेव नवंबर में जो पैसे आप सलून ना जाके बचाएंगे, ये सुनिश्चित करें कि वो आप किसी कैंसर पीड़ित कि सहायता में लगा दें। इस फेस्टिवल की यही परिकल्पना की गई है।
  • हर साल हजारों कैंसर के मरीज अपने बाल कीमो थेरेपी के चलते खो देते हैं। अतः आप इस नवंबर बाल ना कटवा कर उनके दर्द में हिस्सेदार बनें।
  • नो शेव नवंबर सिर्फ पुरुषों के लिए नहीं है। इसमे महिलायें भी भाग ले सकती है और ये बता सकती हैं दुनिया को कि वे बिना वैक्स के भी खूबसूरत हैं।

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